Manga Star Martial God Technique 179 Review
Do You Realize You Are The Devil And He Is Your Son
Asking Liang Yu what he should do, is like some kind of manga riddle, when does the devil ask Satan's spawn for advice.
Only now is Liang's father starting to realize what Liang could come up with and this is only just the surface. Of course, Liang could suggest putting on a show of weakness and abandoning dignity as I mentioned in the last review he has no dignity or honour to abandon and also no ego he just adapts for his own benefit.
Are They All In On It
To be honest I thought this hole secret treasure thing was all a load of hogwash and Liang's father seems just as surprised as me. In the back of my head, I'm just thinking are the subordinates who keep confirming this Tianlong treasure are in on the plan.
Xinghe Can Handle That
They have been back to back cultivating yet Yu Ning is so embarrassed, Xhinge on the other hand is more relaxed with Yu Ning since the paired cultivation.
It must be pretty early in the morning for them to stroll around together undisturbed but why wold Xinghe think Yu Ning was sleeping in the bath. Yu Ning is dressed more formally than usual is she planning on going into some kind of battle?
Read Another Star Martial God Technique Review
Star Martial God Technique Two Review Ago
Is this star Martial God Technique or meeting of the midnight lovers? The whole time Xinghe and Liang were conversing all I could hear in my head was George Michael's Careless Whisper. That Purple in Liang's eye really brings out the love this was an unexpected potential addition to Xinghe's growing harem. Someone inform Xueyun and Yu Ning of the new arrival to the harem and rival for Xinghe's love. Xinghe was blushing while he romantically looked at the moon and when Liang arrived he was like I know you are there you have always been there right next to my heart.
Read Star Martial God Technique Previous, Previous Review
Manga Chapter Star Martial God Technique Previous Review
As I said in the last chapter review Liang's plan must be good for a smart guy like Xinghe to go along with it and think it could work.
Xinghe and Liang are complete opposites with Xinghe being honourable and Liang being the opposite this makes for an interesting dynamic as going outside of ethical boundaries is sometimes useful in solving problems, it gives Xinghe a partner who is willing to do what he won't when ethical boundaries need to be crossed. Xinghe is fighting the Dark Moon family because he believes honour demands it and that honour has motived him to do a few things like trying to save Xueyun, this is his strength but also a potential weakness to be exploited by the like of Liang.
As I said in the last chapter review Liang's plan must be good for a smart guy like Xinghe to go along with it and think it could work.
Xinghe and Liang are complete opposites with Xinghe being honourable and Liang being the opposite this makes for an interesting dynamic as going outside of ethical boundaries is sometimes useful in solving problems, it gives Xinghe a partner who is willing to do what he won't when ethical boundaries need to be crossed. Xinghe is fighting the Dark Moon family because he believes honour demands it and that honour has motived him to do a few things like trying to save Xueyun, this is his strength but also a potential weakness to be exploited by the like of Liang.
Read Star Martial God Technique Previous Review